Friday, July 1, 2011

During the construction of ring road infringements of environmental legislation (St. Petersburg)

Environmental Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg check compliance with environmental regulations in the State of "Management of construction traffic bypass of St. Petersburg" in the operation of the western section of the ring road around St Petersburg at the site of the road "Narva" to the village, "Bronk" (at the intersection with Ring Road Shingarskim pond).
Today, 1 July, the press service of the St. Petersburg prosecutor's office, the reason for the audit was the information that the operation of the ring road a negative impact on water supply system of fountains State Museum "Peterhof".

By checking the specialists were involved in the Department of Rosprirodnadzor in North-West, the experts of the federal budget entity "Center laboratory analysis and technical dimensions of the North-West Federal District." During the test, the sampling of water bodies.

Check has found that economic activity GU "DSTO St. Petersburg" have no negative effect on water-supply system of fountains GUK GMZ "Peterhof".

This conclusion was based on the opinions of experts and expert opinion FBU "TsLATI in North-West."

However, the test found some violations of the requirements of environmental legislation in the State of "Management of construction traffic bypass of St. Petersburg":

not made ​​out and not received the relevant authorities Determinations of federally owned water body for wastewater discharge from the canvas ring-road, construction of bridges, as well as underwater and underground crossings, pipelines and other linear features associated with changes in the bottom and crossed the coast water bodies, dredging and other works connected with the change of the bottom and shores of water bodies;wastewater discharges after local treatment facilities is carried out in an old meliorative network of river basins, including r.Shingarki intersected by the specified section of the ring road, drainage ditches, clearing directly to their places of falling into the water system is not complete;

local monitoring of water bodies crossed by the western section of the Ring Road by LLC "Ecotrans-Dorservis" monitoring data to other instances are passed, the monitoring program is not coordinated with the Neva-Ladoga Basin Water Office.

On the facts of violations Environmental Prosecutor's Office made ​​a presentation.

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