Sunday, July 3, 2011

The price of housing, established by a state program allows you to implement in Arkhangelsk

The price of housing, installed state, can not implement state programs in Arkhangelsk. This is the conclusion of the Arkhangelsk oblsobraniya MPs during a regular session. Recall, the state Approved housing prices in the Arkhangelsk region at the level of 28.5 thousand rubles per 1 sq. meter area. Based on this amount shall be paid the funds to buy housing on the various programs.
When considering housing for the military, the chairman of the Budget Committee Bralnin Andrew said: "Today in Arkhangelsk on 28.5 thousand for 1 square py meter housing there. The state is already faced with the fact that the money allocated to housing - such as orphans - but to fulfill law is impossible. Housing for money does not buy et. so it must be built. "While in the region that experience virtually no, no and regulatory framework to actively build housing on public funds.

Also confirmed the existence of the problem and the mayor of Arkhangelsk Viktor Pavlenko. According to him, moreover, that at the price of 28.5 thousand rubles per 1 sq. km. meter of housing can not buy this release yet, and too few resources. So, just to relocate people out of dilapidated housing to 91 million rubles, and allocated for these purposes, only about 70 million rubles. "The required amount of housing to buy for the money, we can not."

Oblsobraniya deputy Nikolai Kalistratov, former CEO of "Sevmash" adding that already have a problem with housing for employees. "Yes, the housing should be built. Putin instructed to allocate funds for housing construction workers" Sevmash ", but the law joint stock companies may not receive the money and dispose of them. So now the question arose of how to implement the initiative of Putin."

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